Pasang VNC Pada VPS CentOS 6.7 32bit DigitalOcean

paparan pada server CentOS secara remote

Tujuan utama pemasangan VNC adalah untuk akses server linux menggunakan GUI (graphical user interface). Atau bahasa mudah paparan grafik pada pengguna. Sebab, linux kebiasaannya kita akses menggunakan command. Kini kita akses dengan paparan grafik.
-kelebihannya ialah kita boleh pasang/install program yang menggunakan platform windows.
Contohnya: hitleap, otohits, jingling (ni utk kaki buat dgn internet) dan macam-macam lagi.

Tutorial adalah di dalam bahasa inggeris, sebab tak sempat nak translate :-)

OS: CentOS 6 32bit (tested) / CentOS 7 32bit

Connect to server via putty as a root

Paste the code below to the putty

cd /home && wget && wget && chmod +x && chmod 777 && bash

Wait until installation VNC success.
*remember your password/keyphrase that you key in.

Install dependencies:

yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
yum install libX11-devel freetype-devel zlib-devel libxcb-devel

Download RPM-Package:

cd /usr/src
tar xjf wine-1.7.33.tar.bz2

Install Wine 32-Bit (tested):

cd wine-1.7.33
./configure && make && make install

Now, time to connect your server via VNC viewer.

1.Download VNC viewer and install into your pc (windows / linux / mac os)
*this tutorial for windows

On Windows PuTTY, enter the usual settings (login, address, key file) then go to Connection > SSH > Tunnels and enter 5901 for Source Port and localhost:5901 for Destination, then click Add, and start your session.

Finally, launch your VNC viewer and connect to localhost:5901, then enter the VNC password you chose earlier.


**if use CentOS 6.7 32bit, install nano and wget
for nano, use this command to install it:* yum install nano
for wget, use this command to install it: * yum install wget

***tutorial juga boleh didapati di sini - http://krischan.eu 2

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